Fault Lines

I’m not a fan of finding fault.

Oh, I do it. But I’m not a fan of it. Because always, 100% of the time, the fault is not as simple as it seems.

So, what if we think of fault more like a geological fault line? A fault line is a crack in the earth surface. It is a weak point.

YES, I say!

There is fault, weakness, in the human experience. Once a fault is revealed, we’ve just been introduced to the way in for strengthening and resolving what went wrong. In an odd way, this makes a fault the greatest gift for healing, reconciliation, and moving forward with maturity and growth.

That just makes me smile.

Check in with yourself just now: how does it make you feel to consider your faults? Are you wishing to hide them? Point to someone else’s faults to deflect from yours? Does it make you sad? Make you want to hide? Does it make you smile?

What do you want your response to be?

That then is our work. What do you want your response to human-fault to be, your own fault lines, to be? We then work to understand ourselves, our own faults, until we smile because they are no longer monsters under the bed, about to pounce and be revealed.

And you know what? This is the best part….

Once we see our faults as a great gift toward our maturing, we are automatically prone to offer grace when someone else shows their fault lines.

And that is how the world works.

With tremendous hope,
